Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!

Happy New Year to our dear family and friends all over the world!

No champagne or fireworks here in Khobar (in fact, we didn't even make it to midnight, due to jet lag), but we were awoken by lovely singing at the 5 am call to prayer.

Some of our New Year's resolutions include:
1. Being better friends with our families
2. Being better friends with our friends
3. Getting in shape. Working out 3x+/week
4. Staying positive in the face of frustration, stupidity, exasperation, and anger
5. Being appreciative for all that we have- both tangible and non-tangible
6. Teaching our children all we can about this fascinating country/region
7. Being kind, empathetic and generous
8. To make this new house a home.
9. To keep this blog current and backfill the past year
10. To capture our lives in "A Picture a Day"

May 2012 bring you and your loved ones only the best!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

On the Road again....

OK, I thoroughly admit it: I have been a horrible blogger the past year. In my own defense, 2011 was a busy year. (More later on that as I backfill the blog over the next few months.)

Please feel free to join us as we begin the next phase of our crazy in Saudi Arabia!

We'll be landing in the Middle East on Dec 29th- let the fun begin! :)

In the meantime, we are prepping for a cozy Christmas in our Houston home. Happy Holidays, all!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A boy and his buddies

Ryan's new favorites: Elmo slippers!

Even without 1/2 a tooth, he's still pretty durn cute! :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

....and so it goes

Ryan fell and cracked 1/2 his front tooth off 5 days ago. I have yet to be able to wedge his mouth open and snap a pic, but I wanted to share the (devastating) news.

......I'm so sad.....

But- he is a boy - and- it is only a baby tooth.

...and so it goes: the life of Ryan.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

From our home to yours.....
Merry Christmas!